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Our journey

We start our journey when nature is at it's darkest. Because before there was light, there was darkness. 21st of December we will have our first online retreat. After the online retreat we unlock the workbook, the ritual video and audio for you. In between the festivals you get another workbook so you can work toward the new online retreat. If you can not make it to the live online retreat, don't worry. Everything will be recorded for you. 


During this training, you will learn about traditions, rituals, and inner work that can be done in the journey of the wheel. Every part has its own qualities and medicine.

Let's make a quick journey through the 8 online meetings around the Sacred wheel 



Death & Rebirth 

In the total darkness of the womb, the sun, humans, and crops are conceived. During this time everything is unshaped and filled with possibilities. It is the moment of "the call" a deep knowing that something new wants to arise.


  • Dreamtime and visions

  • Infinite possibilities

  • Listening and allowing our deepest desires to emerge



Pregnant of yourself

In nature everything seems calm and cold. The world seems to be asleep, but undearneath the surface life is happening. Seeds are waking up and almost ready to sprout. You are about to give birth to yourself, your dreams, your ideas. 

  • Awakening and emergence

  • Discernment and boundaries

  • Working with Intention

  • Focus on our dreams and fiery arrows



Focus and Innerchild

It is time for playfulness and focus. In nature new fresh green is sprouting and the sun is growing in heath. It is time to be creative with what you want in life and find the focus to shape it. without losing joy.


  • The dance of the opposites

  • Healing the inner child

  • Polarity

  • Lifeforce rising -



The juices are starting to flow

Nature is blooming, flowers everywhere. As the light growing we reach the beginning of summer. It is a time of sensuality and life energy. You are shaped and it is time to start exploring your possibilities and accessing your magical powers


  • The dance of the Masculine & Feminine

  • Self-Love, taking action,  risk and slef-care

  • Sisterhood - gathering your allies

  • Bodypositivity




Full power!

The sun is at its highest and the day is at full length. Here you are, claiming your full potential and stepping into your light. It is time for taking full responsibility for your own strength and your own life.


  • Shining bright in all your collors

  • No more playing small

  • Masculine and feminine power sources

  • Succulence and fullness

  • Harnessing the power of the sun in the first harvest of healing herbs






After a lot of hard work it is time for the first harvest. See the abundance that you have and embrace your own unique medicine. 


  • Reclaiming celebration, appreciation

  • Owning your gifts

  • Opening to your healing powers





It is time to make up the balance and see what you will take with you and what you have to leave behind in order to continue the journey into the shadows. 


  • Healing of yourself

  • Gratitude for the pain 

  • Sacred Grieve 

  • Forgiveness


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Into the unknown

In the darkest days of the year we decent into our own shadows to face our fears and our inner demons before we can step into the deep darkness of the unkown of the dark feminine. 


  • Shadow work

  • Embracing the dark feminine

  • Cleansing the fore mother line

  • Trusting yourself 


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